
Google Analytics (GA4) Counter

[ chrome extension(chrome拡張機能)]

[Note: Automatically Translated Text] The number of active users in Google Analytics for the past 30 minutes is displayed in an icon in the upper right corner of the browser. If you are running a website, you go back to Google Analytics as often as you can. If the numbers are always displayed, you can be assured that your mind will be at ease and you will be able to relax. Free of charge. グーグル・アナリティクスの過去30分のアクティブ・ユーザー数を、ブラウザの右上隅のアイコンに表示します。webサイトを運用しているなら、何回でも見に行ってしまうグーグル・アナリティクス。常にその数字が表示されているなら、心も落ち着き、ゆったりと過ごせること請け合いです。無料です。

Explanatory Video(解説動画)

Option Setting(オプション設定)

1. Google Analytics property id settings(Google Analytics プロパティーidの設定)

Copy from the url when you open Google Analytics(Google Analyticsを開いたときのurlからコピーしてください)



[ note ]

  • During installation, you will be presented with a strong authentication screen by google. Please do not be discouraged and continue.(インストール時、googleによる強力な認証画面が出ます。めげずに続けてください。)
  • Due to google's specification, only 100 people can use the system, so please install it as soon as possible.(googleの仕様により、利用できるのは100名様となっておりますので、インストールはお早めに‥)


Install(インストール):Press “add to chrome” on the next screen.(次画面で「chromeに追加」を押してください)

Then make the icon visible.(その後、アイコンを見えるようにしてください)

[ Q/A ]

No value is shown or 0.(数値が表示されていない、または0)
It appears that you have never set the option settings. Right click on the icon and set the options.

Operating Environment(動作環境)

・Confirmed operation with chrome, and brave on window11. It is not well in EDGE.(window11にて、chrome,braveに於いて動作確認すみ。edgeでは調子悪いです。)

Privacy Policy(プライバシーポリシー)

Data Collection This extension does not collect any personal information or data from users. It does not ask for or store any personally identifiable information (e.g., name, email address, phone number).

Use of Data
If our extension accesses data on web pages, it is only to the extent necessary to provide the functionality. This data is used temporarily to assist in the operation of the web page and is not transmitted outside the extension or provided to any third party.

  • Data accessed: This extension accesses some elements of the user's Google Analytics website (number of active users), but the data is only used to display in the browser icon.

Data storage
The extension temporarily uses the data processed on the web page, but the data is processed temporarily on the terminal and is automatically deleted when the extension ends. No data is stored for the long term.

Sharing with third parties
The extension does not share data with third parties. All user data is processed in the local environment and is not leaked outside the extension.

Use of Cookies
The extension does not use cookies or other tracking technologies. It does not track browsing data or history.

User Rights
The user has the right to access, modify, and delete data collected by the extension. However, as mentioned above, the extension does not collect or store any personal information, so you will generally not receive any inquiries related to this.

The extension uses state-of-the-art security measures to protect user data. Since no data is transmitted externally, it is safe from external threats.

Changes to our Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time as necessary. If the policy changes, we will notify users and explain the changes in plain language.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about privacy, please contact us at: [mail]




  • アクセスするデータ:当拡張機能は、ユーザーのGoogle Analytics ウェブサイトの一部の要素(アクティブユーザー数)にアクセスしますが、データはブラウザのアイコンに表示するためだけに利用されます。







プライバシーに関する質問や懸念がある場合は、次のメールアドレスまでご連絡ください: [メール]